Monday, April 20, 2009


I few weeks ago I went to a Women's Bible study at my church. It was a special week, they had members of the Prophetic Ministry there. I know that some people may be uncomfortable with the practice of some of the Gifts of the Spirit today. That's ok, I used to be that way too, until I got involved in our church. I just didn't know any better, or had only seen the "gifts" being used in a way that did not follow the guidelines of the Bible. I am learning not to limit God and his power today. He used Prophecies, Tongues, and Healing in the Bible, so He can use them in the same way today. My God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow! We are the ones that prevent Him from being able to fully display his power, because of our lack of faith and Honor to Him. Our Pastor says this about these prophecies: They are not telling your future or fortune, but simply encouraging words from God.

There are so many great scriptures about these gifts; here are a couple about prophecy (since that is what I am talking about right now) that I like-

1 Corinthians 14:1- "Follow the way of love and eagerly desire spiritual gifts, especially the gift of prophecy."

1 Corinthians 14:39- "Therefore, my brothers, be eager to prophesy, and do not forbid speaking in tongues."

Romans 12:4-8 (vs 6) "We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. If a man's gift is prophesying, let him use it in proportion to his faith.

1Corinthians 12:27-30

I have never met anyone on this team, and I have never had a personal word before, but I had this opportunity a few weeks ago. Anytime that one of these people that God has given the gift of prophecy to, gives a word from the Lord to a person, they record it on a tape. They said they do this so that you can go back an listen to it because you may not hear everything that God has to say to you the first time. They also do this to hold themselves accountable to the pastors, and anyone that may misunderstand or misuse what they have said. Understand that in no way do they tell you your future or anything like that, it is simply a word from God to you.

This is some of what they told me:

God says to you, FEAR NOT.
There's some doors going to be opened that's going to get your attention. He says I have prepared a way. The door is opened because I have opened the door. The door is opened because you CAN go through it. The door is opened because you are my daughter. This is just the beginning of your walk. This is the beginning of a new season in your life. You are going to see things and hear things and do things you never knew. It is going to increase your faith, not only in the Lord, but in yourself. Because you do know the Lord, you are His daughter, you are his child. You are his vessel. You are going to be used in a very new way. The Lord says fear not, you are not by yourself. I am the one who opened the door.

This was a powerful word to me, especially in light of the new direction that our lives are about to be taking. Sometimes the unknown gets to me and makes me a little afraid. I don't know where we will be living or what exactly our lives will be like 6 months from now. What I DO know is that we won't have much money!! :o) All that can kinda make you get a little crazy from time to time if you don't put your faith in God to take care of you. Having this word from God is extra reassurance to me that we are headed in the right direction. He will get us through whatever happens along the way.

1 comment:

Lavonda Pflug said...

What a blessing it is to receive encouragement from the Lord!