This is a guest post from my husband. We signed up at BookSneeze to get free books sent to us, and then we have to put a review of the book online.Wild at Heart is the author’s attempt to define, create, and inspire a new generation of “Real Men
™.” At the beginning of Wild at Heart, John Eldredge declares that “in the heart of every man is a desperate desire for a battle to fight, an adventure to live, and a beauty to rescue.” This is the central theme of this over-200 page book. I believe that almost everyone should read this book. It is definitely geared toward men, but I think women would gain an important understanding of men from it as well. Eldredge does a good job referencing movies, poetry, songs, and books to draw his portrait of an ideal man. This turns out to be the main flaw in the book. Eldredge, rightly or wrongly, seems to be projecting his personal concepts of masculinity onto God. He refers to the Scriptures, but as maybe only 40% of his examples of true masculinity. This is fine with me, as long as people are not reading Wild at Heart expecting a theological masterpiece.
John Eldredge is no Martin Luther, John Calvin, Jonathan Edwards, or C.S. Lewis.
This is a self-help/motivational book at its core, painted with rather broad brush strokes. Read it, learn from it, but don’t take it as the Gospel truth. I suggest also reading Eric Ludy’s “God’s Gift to Women” as a companion to Wild at Heart.
Disclaimer: I received Wild at Heart – Revised and Expanded for free from the publisher for the purposes of writing a review.